Chromebook & Device Information for School Year

Update: Chromebook & Device Information for School Year
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Families,
Brookfield Public Schools will once again support students that choose to participate in our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program. Students are welcome to bring their own device to use in school as needed or as requested by your child’s teacher(s). Information regarding minimum device requirements, permission forms, and other pertinent information will be sent to you from the principals of each school, if it has not already been sent.
The 1:1 program for grades 9-12 will continue this year as it has in years past. Whisconier Middle School will continue on their 1:1 rental program. More information will come from our secondary principals, Mr. Renda and Mr. Balanda regarding payment, device pickup, and distribution.
To summarize, please be on the lookout for communications from your school principal regarding Chromebooks and Device usage for the school year.
We are excited to offer this opportunity for our students.
Thank you for your attention.
Eric Conklin
Director of Technology