Dear Brookfield Community, March 10, 2025
It is with great warmth that the Brookfield Board of Education acknowledges Dr. John Barile’s announcement of his acceptance of a new leadership role at Central Connecticut State University and hence his resignation from the Superintendency of our district’s schools. The Board thanks Dr. Barile for his ten years of service, including the leadership that resulted in our beautiful new elementary school. CLES is truly a gem, and Dr. Barile was pivotal in seeing the project to its (near) completion. Dr. Barile also led us through the pandemic, ensuring some degree of normalcy during that trying time.
In his decade at the helm of BPS, Dr. Barile led a comprehensive strategic planning process which has elevated the entire school district. He implemented improvements in district budgeting, specifically in fiscal and regulatory controls. He oversaw curriculum and instructional shifts, bringing in school improvement planning and new math, science, ELA, and social studies programs. Dr. Barile was responsible for our shift in technology to 1-to-1 access for all students and a smart board in every classroom across the district. Significantly, he formed the security task force and spearheaded the establishment of an SRO in every school and multiple enhanced security and safety measures.
Dr. Barile’s commitment to our schools, staff, and students has been unwavering. The Board is grateful for his consistent efforts to foster a positive learning and working environment. We wish him well in his new role as Dean of the School of Education at CCSU. We are confident that the same skills that helped him be successful in Brookfield will serve him and the CCSU community well.
With much respect and gratitude,
The Brookfield Board of Education